A bit of an introduction to start my blogging adventures! I have been the director at Beth Shalom's preschool for the last 16 1/2 years. This preschool has been around for over 60 years and is a wonderful preschool with a very rich history in Jewish Early Childhood Education.
I was so excited when Max informed me that we were going to be part of the vision documentation project!
Max came last week and did a fabulous in-service with our staff on Jewish Ethics and values in our classrooms. While we have always stressed ethical and moral behavior in our classrooms, with the exception of one of our 3 year old classes we have not focused on labeling most of these values. We have always labeled Tikun Olam and Tzedakah but we have not labeled other values consistently.
As we were processing "Why are Jewish Values important in the life our classrooms?" some of the comments teachers made were:
- They help us live a life of meaning,
- Shalom Bayit
- God gave us the values and laws, more laws than any other people-a blue print to live by.
This was a very interesting and insightful exercise!
Max helped us process and focus on the importance of including the Hebrew names of Jewish Values as well as incorporating as many Jewish Values into daily classroom activities and curriculum as possible.
Today in her weekly newsletter to the parents, one of the preK teachers reported her class would be focusing on Derech Eretz-common courtesy, treating every person with respect. This is a very appropriate and timely value to teach preK kids second semester, as they are getting testy with adults as well as their classmates! The other beauty of this newsletter note is we are teaching many of the parents as we teach the children.
Tomorrow in our weekly staff meeting we will be talking about how each class will be enriching their future curriculum.
Please check back as we continue down this road of growing and improving our wonderful school!