Camp 2011 starts in a little over 2 weeks and we are wrapping up the plans!
We are using Midot, Jewish Values as our session themes.
The Midot we will focus on are: Dibuk Chaverim, Cleaving to Friends
Shalom Bayit, Peace in the home
Hachnasat Orchim: Hospitality, welcoming guests
Tikun Olam, Making our world a better place
Bal Tashchit: Do not destroy
Tza'ar Ba'alei Kindness to Animals
Some of the special activities we will be doing are: Friendship Circle and pretend camp fire with our music teacher singing with us.
Raising lady bugs and then releasing them
We have an organic garden we will be gardening in
We are having a donuts for dad breakfast before Shabbat singing one morning
And so many other activities that are not directly related to the midot but are a lot of fun because camp is all about fun. Needless to say the kids are learning in almost every activity they participate it!
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