Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Camp ends with some wonderful values in action!

A few continuations of wonderful events! Several weeks ago we noticed a mama bird sitting on a makeshift nest in our chopped rubber on the toddler playground. The bird got very nervous when the kids got too close so we closed off that playground, because it is our job to respect and protect animals, as we know from our study of the Jewish value, tza'ar ba'alay chayim.
Miss Susie's 3 year olds made the project above after watching the egg hatch. The kids loved seeing the baby bird.

I have already told you about our wonderful garden. After we planted, watered and then harvested pickling cucumbers the kids made pickles with the cukes. It was such a wonderful all camp experience! The smallest kids put the cucumbers in the jar, the oldest kids put in all of the spices and the middle kids put in all the liquid. Everyone loved making the pickles and we cannot wait to taste them! Please see the pictures of a few of the steps and the finished product!