Monday, September 12, 2011

Young children are developmentally very self centered. They need to be taught to appreciate and be thankful

for what they have. The PreK kids were learning about Modeh Ani and thanking God for waking up each day as well as the blessings in our lives. We asked the kids to think about what they were thankful for. We got everything from puppies, kittens, princesses, power rangers and mommies and daddies! Each Shabbat during Shabbat singing we sing a song called Baruch Atah Adonai thank you God and after we thank God for candles, challah, wine, mommies and daddies then we let the kids say what they are thankful for. We get many of the above answers and also some kids are thankful for different animals, butterflies and many other things. It is our responsibility as teachers to help kids as well as all of us think about how fortunate we are and remember to always be thankful!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

School is up and running! The teachers of the 3 year olds made the bulletin board pictured above. As the kids each behave in ways that show kindness to friends as well as being good friends we have taken pictures with their explanation of what is going on and then posted it. The kids love making and having good friends and this is the perfect value to start the school year off with!